Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Confidence in His Grace

Ephesians 3:12, "In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence." 

Hebrews 4:16, "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Confidence is something I have always struggled with. Will I be good enough, what will they think of me, did I do that right, did that sound right, are they talking behind my back, why am I left out? 

You know the petty, but very real wonders of this world for some of us! 
People can be so judgmental at times that the fear of being in front of others has caused us to protect ourselves and resist that quiet sweet call from God telling us to step out in faith somehow. 

I wear many hats, and each one comes with a step of faith God has called me to or put me in. Over the years I have learned to give myself grace as if God himself were standing right next to me talking me through the steps. Now, I am by no means perfect, but I knew that giving and receiving grace was something I needed to work on.  I use to be so bound by chains of anger when something was out of place, not done right, something wasn't completed, I sung a song wrong or out of its original order, friends or family disappointments. I could go on! 

Grace is something I have learned to give myself when my house is not spotless and the dishes are over loading the sink, grace when I don't have dinner done and I have to run and get something that costs twice as much that someone else made and I know it will probably give us all cancer or something because I did not make this meal from scratch! 

I've even learned to breath in grace when I know I'm doing the best I can, yet, still failure follows somehow. We all have an insecurity of that word! Failure...... 
Let it roll off your tongue a few times, because what I've learned is some of the best lessons and gifts from God come from failing in my life at something. I'm not trying to say I am proud of my failure, or that continuous failure is okay. It's not, please let me make myself clear! Some of mine have been followed by real pain and a time of repentance and steering clear of sin.  However, some failures I have just simply learned from, fixed the problem and moved on, I've realized it's okay to fail at times. 
The most beautiful thing I have discovered is that there is love from my Father in Heaven and He wants me to learn and perform at my best. When I fail He weeps with me. His arms are open to catch my biggest fall. I can trust in that and there is freedom in coming and kneeling before Him even when I feel my confidence to do so is very small. 

This beautiful reality has given me a new confidence today I have never had. I love being a child of God. I love sharing about what he's done in my life and what he's doing! Having the confidence to step out in faith is scary at times, but so, so rewarding.

Have you been believing a lie about confidence and God's great grace? Let yourself hear from God and comment below or write me privately about it. 

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