Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Roses for Her

The first beautiful bloom on this one!! (Referencing the red rose picture below) 🌹 God sees your beauty like a beautiful Velvet Red Rose. They are so beautiful even when they stand alone! ❤️  This deepest red colored rose does not need anything to help enhance it's beauty. It is passionate, strong, loving, sweet, and courageous! You are his Beloved!  
Each year since my grandma Henry has passed away I have planted a rosebush in her name. My grandmother loved roses and had many in her flower beds. I remember visiting her in Oklahoma each summer and helping her plant and prune and water all of her lovely roses each morning! She taught me a lot about them during this time together. I bet she had every kind you could have! When she got older she found it was too hard to take care of all she had built up and a lot of them are gone now. When she was still alive though, she would talk about her roses from time to time. I know she missed seeing them. I also know she hated that her arthritis was as bad as it was. It stopped her from doing so much. She loved to garden, That's probably where I get my love from!

The first year I planted pink roses for her. Pink is my favorite color and I had nothing in my garden at that time. We had just moved into our house on Townline Rd. in Michigan, and I was still grieving her loss so I did not put much thought into picking the roses. All I remembered was that she said knockout roses were easy to take care of. So pink it was! 

The second year I planted a yellow knockout rosebush. Yellow is my grandmother's favorite color! She once painted her whole kitchen canary yellow! I asked her why such a bright color? She said, "because the color is pretty and even when I was a little girl the color yellow always made me smile." I still remember her smiling as she told me that looking at her walls in the kitchen.

This year I was wondering what color roses am I going to plant for grandma? Where am I going to put them and what kind? I actually prayed about this. I felt like I wanted to hear from Grandma and I wanted to plant something she wanted to see in my garden. On May 1st, the Sunday before Cinco de Mayo, which is her anniversary, my beautiful Niece Tiara, gave me the most heart felt, loving message I have probably ever received! I won't go into all the detail, but she said God sees me as the most beautiful Red Velvet Rose, because even when I am by myself I am absolutely beautiful! ❤️☺️ Right away the tears started to flow. Tiara didn't know all the reasons for the Lords message that day, but I knew why he was giving me a parable of a rose! It spoke to me in more ways than just one.
Right after I left from talking to her I went to the garden center I worked for last summer. She always had a bunch of roses to choose from right before Mother's Day weekend, so I knew I would find what I wanted there.

This is a climbing Jose velvet red rose bush. It was all the Garden Center had for roses at all that day! I asked if she was getting anymore in and she said she was suppose to get a bunch more with these, but they messed up her order, so this year these 3 Red Velvet Jose Climbing Rosebushes that she had was it!

I asked for a clear message and the Lord delivered for me that day!! So I want to share the first bloom, and it's beauty! 😄 

Matthew 7:7 Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seek, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be open to you.  
Matthew 21:22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.  
Mark 11:24 I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours. 
Luke 11:9 And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
John 16:24 You haven't done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy. 
John 15:7 But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!
Psalm 2:8 Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession.